Saturday, March 8, 2008


Subliminal Messages
"We gave up EVERYTHING and devoted 14 years to discovering these secrets. It was excruciatingly difficult work. But NOW we're ready to hand these POWERFUL, COVETED techniques over to YOU. And let me tell you, not everybody is happy we're doing this!"

YOU have the POWER to achieve absolutely

You have that power RIGHT NOW. It's lurking just
below the surface of your conscious thoughts.
Introducing "Subliminal Secrets Exposed"HIGH PERFORMANCE SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES
*Guaranteed to work within minutes! * Control your mind and the minds of others * Proven effective by an ARMY of THOUSANDS

Click Here For Free Subliminal Messages Sample

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Learn the Secrets of High Performance Subliminal Messages to Gain the Upper Hand NOW!
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From: Nelson Berry
March 8, 2008

Dear Friend:
Welcome to the science and art of High Performance Subliminal Messages. Keep reading, and over the next 2 minutes I'll show you exactly how the world's most powerful "thought" technique can help you achieve anything...and I mean ANYTHING your heart desires.
Earn more money
Lose weight
Improve your love life
Feel great about yourself
Or achieve that one thing you've always wanted but never thought you could do
You CAN do it ALL when you harness the tremendous untapped power of your SUBLIMINAL thoughts.
Maybe you've tried subliminal tapes and CD's before. You bought them in stores or online. And that's where most people go wrong. Off-the-shelf subliminal tapes are one-size-fits-all productions that use the manufacturer's words and goals. These tapes RARELY work well for people. To REALLY tap into your powerful subliminal mind, YOU MUST CREATE YOUR OWN SUBLIMINAL RECORDINGS.
With SSE, it's oh so EASY to create your own CUSTOM audio CD's, MP3s, tapes, and more!
You know that little voice that for just a moment says "Yes, you CAN do it!" Then just as fast, another thought even louder than the first starts to list all the reasons why it won't work. In an instant, you're thoroughly convinced you CAN'T achieve your goal. And you never try. That kind of struggle goes on constantly just below the surface of your conscious mind. Most of us aren't even aware those thoughts exist. For reasons we can't understand, we don't consider important possibilities, breakthrough solutions, or outstanding ideas that could immediately bring us success. Our subconscious mind shoots down all our good ideas before they have a chance to bubble to the surface.
How do we KNOW this works? Because THOUSANDS of you TELL us about the dramatic changes SSE is making in your lives. Consider this note we just got from Sam in England. Sam had fallen on what seemed like an endless spiral of bad luck. He was out of a job and completely broke. It was then he discovered this site and purchased the SSE1 system, putting the $37 on a credit card. "Within just a few days, out of the blue, I received $8,000 from a hidden account I didn't even realize existed," Sam confides. "I then found I could afford three trips around the world!"
Soon after that, Sam came back to purchase our more advanced SSE2. "Unbelievably powerful," Sam writes. "Without exaggeration, I've just gone from $0 per year ( living off an overdraft and spiraling out of control debt ) to a secure $100,000 ( you read it correctly ) in a matter of weeks. Not only that but the company has a lot of integrity and rates a 10 for satisfaction and the great way I've been treated - if I keep this up my wildest dreams are coming true sooner than I could imagine."
Lesson learned! When you take control of your subliminal mind, ANYTHING can happen. All the good things you ever wanted and many INCREDIBLY good things you never even considered are going to start to happen. It's like Christmas, your birthday, and New Years Eve all rolled into one.
ORDER NOW! Just $37! High Performance Subliminal Messages are 100% Guaranteed to Work or your money back! YOU CAN'T LOSE.
Ever wonder why some people just seem to have everything go their way? Often they don't have your know-how or work as hard as you. Yet they make more money, they get the promotions, they do well in relationships, are able to buy nice things, and just seem happy all the time. Sure, some of this is due to dumb luck. But how can these folks be lucky day in and day out for years? Rest assured this isn't luck. These lucky people have a natural ability to control their subliminal mind. They probably aren't controlling it much, but even a little control can bring big results.
NOW with SSE YOU can deeply control your subconscious. Use this subliminal message training system to gain FULL control and get COMPLETE ACCESS to the phenomenal power of your mind.
You may be a smart details-oriented person who doesn't like to buy something until you have a complete understanding of how it works. Fair enough. Here is a short step-by-step explanation of how SSE gets results:
1. Clearly defines and communicates your goal to your subconscious in YOUR words. Remember, your unconscious won't respond to someone else's words. They must be yours, something that only SSE allows you to do.
2. Communicates the goal as if it has already happened, or is happening now. This is the same powerful technique used by Olympic athletes and movie stars. People of very high achievement use it constantly, yet this visualization technique is rarely used or even known about by others.
3. Phrase EACH suggestion 3 different ways for maximum impact.
4. Attach positive emotions to the completion of your goal. Emotion can be even more powerful than reason. Things are EASY when you feel GOOD about them.
5. Resolve any inner conflicts so your subconscious mind is clear on what you want it to do. This silences the loud "You Can't Do It" voice that prevents us from the success we deserve.
6. Accomplish the above without any distraction to your conscious mind.
7. Achieve the desired results fast. We're not talking about years of study here. Most people who purchase and use SSE see improvements the same week.
Once you have used SSE, you can use it to help others from family members, to friends, to even your own clients in a money-making business. In this later case, you will need to use "their words" for the commands! And SSE lets you do that.
Now that you understand the amazing hidden power of SSE, how the system works, and the incredible results people everywhere are seeing, it's time for you to try SSE for yourself.

"Talk about power! Imagine seducing your customers--or anyone else you want to target---by first programming your own mind. You can perform real miracles with the detailed information here on creating your own High Performance Subliminal Messages---right on your own PC. Awesome! Get this new e-book and get yourself whatever you want - subliminally!"
Joe Vitale, Austin, TX

"I use High Performance Subliminal Messages all the time. I play them on my computer while I work the phones, in the car while I am driving, while waking up and going to sleep. It gets me in the right mind set, makes my intuition flow faster and the money too! I like to make my own suggestions based on the new books I read and imprint that information onto my subconscious mind. High Performance Subliminal Messages are the fastest and easiest way I know of. I am tremendously excited that I can do this myself now. will save me several thousand dollars this year... and will make me 10 times more!"

Robert Silver - Charlottesville, Virginia.

"After 30 years, I quit smoking in 3 days with Subliminal Secrets Exposed and am a strong believer in High Performance Subliminal Messages. I recommend this to anyone who wants to quit smoking easily now!"
Jeff Lopez - Los Angeles, CA

There are thousands of applications for High Performance Subliminal Messages!!!

Here are just a few:



education - training


nutrition supplement


exercise motivation

diet alternative


health wellness

quick weight loss

drugs alcohol



...and MORE!
That's just the beginning of what you can do with subliminal messages.

The possibilities are limitless! All you need is a computer. We provide the rest!

We are offering the first step-by-step instruction manual on the Internet that guides you in the process of making your own powerful High Performance Subliminal Messages from your own computer!

Take control of your life! We'll show you how!


Achieve the exact goals you've always wanted. You create the message, so your future is now in YOUR own hands, not those of some faceless stranger in a recording studio.

Adobe Audition & have teamed up to offer you The Most Advanced Subliminal Messages Recording Software Automation that the Subliminal Message Industry has ever seen with Subliminal Secrets Exposed � (SSE).
There are 3 ordering options:
1- SSE Advanced 1.
2- SSE Advanced 2.
3- SSE Advanced 1 & SSE Advanced 2.

Descriptions:With SSE Advanced 1, you get:

Fully Functional, Adobe Audition 1.5 Software for Windows -- 30-Day Download. MAC users need Virtual PC or equivalent.

SSE Advanced Encoder Silent Subliminal Messages Script v- 16-5-0800404 - Download.

How to Install the High Performance Subliminal Messages Script on Adobe Audition.

How to Use the High Performance Subliminal Messages Script to Create the Subliminal Track.

How to mix High Performance Subliminal Messages with the Sound Mask (any song or sound effect) that you want to hear.

How to Phrase the High Performance Subliminal Messages commands.

Over 1000 professionally created Hypnotic Command Samples for your High Performance Subliminal Messages.

Sound Mask, Sound Effects, Hypnosis, Binaural Tones & Beats

BONUS #1 - More on Binaural Tones & Beats.

BONUS #2 - Over 100 ready-made High Performance Subliminal Messages for Sexual Improvement.

SSE Advanced 1 gives you all the initial training you'll need on High Performance Subliminal Messages Recording and walks you through it with screens shots and samples for each simple step. Now you can make your own High Performance Subliminal Messages for any application you want -- with any music you want!

If you decide to make money with High Performance Subliminal Messages, you can charge up to $450.00 per recording and email it to your customer with no delivery costs.
Thanks for offering this information. I have never seen High Performance Subliminal Messages before and I have a full collection on all subliminal information available. I burned one CD for myself and one for my daughter and we've never been better. She is now getting A's in school and making friends easier. I am just coming out of a divorce and have improved emotionally 100% in the last 2 weeks. My income has also increased substantially during this time. This is a "life saver". I would recommend this to anyone, especially anyone who thinks subliminal audio systems do not work."
Jim Davis Telluride, CO

You don't need extra time.
You don't need extra money.
You don't need to be a technical person.
You don't have to worry about hurting yourself or others.
This isn't illegal.
The applications are limitless.

Immediate Download (Even if it's 3 in the morning).
60 Day Money Back Guarantee - Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Exceptional Customer Service.
Your privacy and personal information are safe.
Sold in over 49 countries. 1000's of satisfied customers.
You can use this on multiple computers at no extra charge.

We have also recently released SSE Advanced 2. This is a MUST for ANYONE who owns SSE Advanced 1. NOTE: You must own SSE Advanced 1 in order to get SSE Advanced 2.

With SSE Advanced 2, you get:

How to have the High Performance Subliminal Messages fluctuate with the sound mask, or song, at a consistent negative dB that you choose.

The Facts About Subliminal Seduction.

The Triple Stack � Subliminal Recording.

How High Performance Subliminal Messages Can Help Your Business!

How to Create Binaural Tones!

The Magic Question That Will Integrate Your Life & Make You Rich!

Headphones - How To Make High Performance Subliminal Messages That Send Messages to the Right-Brain & Left-Brain -- Simultaneously & Individually.

How to Record a Surround Sound High Performance Subliminal Messages.

The MultiPlex Stack � Subliminal Recording.

Beta, Alpha, Theta & Delta - How Does This Effect Your High Performance Subliminal Messages?

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Download SSE Advanced 1:Regularly priced $49.00On Sale Now for a LIMITED TIME
JUST $37.00! To order log in..........

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Download SSE Advanced 2:Regularly priced $49.00On Sale Now for a LIMITED TIMEJUST $37.00!

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Download Both SSE Advanced 1 & 2:
Regularly priced $98.00On Sale Now for a LIMITED TIMEJUST $69.00!

Click the BUY NOW Button to Order Online Safely and Securely

Place your order with a credit card or online check from anywhere in the world and download it immediately. The billing on a credit card or bank statement will only show that this purchase is from 'clickbank'. If at the end of 60 days you haven't got the value we've promised, we'll refund every penny you've trusted us with.

With Respect,

Nelson Berry

Your 100% Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee: If you�re not happy any time within 60 days from your purchase, let me know and you can have your money refunded � all of it � no questions asked.
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